Marine Surveys - Valuation Survey

Valuation Survey
The Valuation Survey is an opinion of the fair market value of the yacht based on the current market and the condition of the yacht at the time of survey. The valuation survey is often a requirement of finance companies if money is to be borrowed to buy a yacht, or by insurance companies.
The valuation survey is often carried out as part of a Insurance Condition Survey or Full Condition Survey. If only a Valuation Survey is required then depending on the circumstances this will be a walk through inspection to view the general overall condition of the yacht.
With this type of survey there is no report, just a statement which identifies the yacht and a personal opinion of the value.
“I found the survey report invaluable for feeling secure about the purchase and the list of service or repair items gave me a detailed list of things to do that I might otherwise overlook or just not think is important. Thanks Joe.”Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 40